Print ISSN: 2944-912X, E-ISSN: 2732-9984 An Open Access International Journal of Engineering
Volume 2, 2022
Pet Food Dosing and Dispenser Design Based on Free Technologies
Authors: José Luis Ibarra Estévez, Francklin Rivas-Echeverría, Xavier Morales Félix, Herber Espín Benavides
Abstract: This paper merges mechatronics, programming and free hardware and software technologies tools. The design consists of a food container connected to a plate with a cover; allowing food to be eaten by the pet and can be dispensed according to user programmed parameters, which are based on age, race and weight of the animal. It consists of a weight sensor in the base plate, indicating when it is reached the required amount, cutting food supplies and in the next appropriate time places only the missing food on the plate. It also has a sensor in the food container for measuring the percentage of existing food and sending a text message to the phone numbers of registered users, as it reaches 20% of total capacity.
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Pages: 23-27
DOI: 10.37394/232022.2022.2.4
Design, Construction, Maintenance, ISSN / E-ISSN: 2944-912X / 2732-9984, Volume 2, 2022, Art. #4