WSEAS Transactions on Computers
Print ISSN: 1109-2750, E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 11, 2012
Locating Services in Legacy Software: Information Retrieval Techniques, Ontology and FCA Based Approach
Authors: Mostefai Abdelkader, Malki Mimoun, Boudchiha Djeloul
Abstract: The localisation and identification of services in legacy software is the most challenging task in the process of Migrating (i.e. reengineering) legacy software towards service oriented architectures (i.e. SOA) and web services technologies. This paper propose an approach to locate services in legacy software by means of information retrieval techniques, WORDNET ontology, FCA (i.e. Formal Concepts Analysis) and the analysis of the legacy interfaces of the software. In this approach interfaces are analysed to generate queries for each service to be located , the WORDNET ontology is used to expand the queries terms to make best coverage of the Modules (e.g. the part of source code : procedures /functions) implied in the computation of the service, IR (i.e. Information Retrieval) techniques (e.g. vector space model, Latent semantic analysis ) are used to map queries to the relevant modules of the legacy software, presented as ranked list (i.e. search space), this list represent the parts of source code that participate in the computation of the service. This process is repeated for each service and the results are exploited by the FCA techniques to reduce the search space time spent by developer when examining the result to decide in real parts that contribute to the computation of each service.
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Keywords: Migrating, Legacy software, FCA, Ontology, Information Retrieval Techniques, Interfaces, Web Services