WSEAS Transactions on Computers
Print ISSN: 1109-2750, E-ISSN: 2224-2872
Volume 11, 2012
Data Mining QFD for The Dynamic Forecasting of Life Cycle under Green Supply Chain
Authors: Chih-Hung Hsu, An-Yuan Chang, Hui-Ming Kuo
Abstract: The satisfaction of customer requirements is critical issue for the computer designers and manufacturers, because computer design is a high risk and value-added technology. When considering green design, designers should incorporate the voices from the customers and because they are the driving force. On the other hand, data mining from large marketing database has been successfully applied in a number of advanced fields. However, little study has been done in the quality function deployment of identifying future customer requirements for computer design and manufacture, using data mining. This study uses data mining cycle in QFD to forecast future customer requirements for green design of life cycle. The use of time series-based data mining cycle to predict the weights is advantageous because it can (1) find the future trend of customer requirements; (2) provide the computer designers and manufacturers with reference points to satisfy customer requirements in advance. The results of this study can provide an effective procedure of identifying the trends of customer requirements and enhance dynamic forecasting of life cycle under green supply chain in the computer marketplace.
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Keywords: Data mining, Quality function deployment, Customer requirements, Dynamic forecasting, Life cycle, Green supply chain