Print ISSN: 2944-912X, E-ISSN: 2732-9984 An Open Access International Journal of Engineering
Volume 2, 2022
Cost Minimization by Lineer Shipping Transport Integration into the Supply Chain and Supplier Selection in a New Production Facility
Authors: Ahmet Karakaya, Mehtap Dursun, Nazli Goker
Abstract: As a result of liberalization and the globalization of international trade, factors of production and consumer products come from destinations around the world, and therefore the interdependence of supply chains between suppliers and wholesalers is increasing day by day. In this research, an optimization is carried out for the transportation in the supply chain, which aims to change route because of Russia and Ukraine war. The method is applied to the supply chain of a company that sells ready meals. This study aims to increase the competitive structure in the new market by reducing the cost of a fast food company that does not carry out maritime transport in its supply chain.
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Pages: 226-230
DOI: 10.37394/232022.2022.2.30
Design, Construction, Maintenance, ISSN / E-ISSN: 2944-912X / 2732-9984, Volume 2, 2022, Art. #30